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34 year old female had a ruptured silicone gel implant on the right side, as well as breast ptosis (droop), and her left implant rolled towards her armpit. Dr. Kavali removed both implants, did a capsulectomy on the right side, capsular revisions on both sides to correct implant positioning, and placed new Allergan silicone gel implants, soft touch, low profile, 230 cc under the muscle.
- Age: 25 - 40
- Gender: Female
- Implant Size: 230 cc
- Implant Type: Allergan silicone gel implants, soft touch, low profile
- Implant Location: Under the muscle

45 year old female with aging saline implants and implant malposition desired smaller, lifted breasts with implants in proper position. Dr. Kavali removed her 360 cc saline implants and replaced them with Allergan smooth, round, soft touch, low plus profile implants, 234 cc, under the muscle. She also reinforced the implant position with ADM (internal bra) and did a mastopexy at the same time. She is shown before and 5 years after her surgery.
- Age: 41 - 55
- Gender: Female
- Implant Size: 234 cc,
- Implant Type: Allergan smooth, round, soft touch, low plus profile implants

This 42 year old female had several prior breast surgeries done elsewhere, but ultimately came to Dr. Kavali hoping for fuller breasts and improved shape. She chose Allergan silicone, smooth, round, soft touch, moderate profile implants, 350 cc. Dr. Kavali also supported the implants with an internal bra (acellular dermal matrix/Surgimend) and did a mastopexy to reach this lovely patient’s goals. She is shown before and 6 months after surgery.
- Age: 41 - 55
- Gender: Female
- Implant Size: 350 cc
- Implant Type: Allergan silicone, smooth, round, soft touch, moderate profile

50 year old female had prior breast augmentation years earlier. She saw Dr. Kavali desiring smaller, lifted breasts. She had a breast implant exchange with removal of Mentor 200 cc implants and placement of Allergan silicone, smooth, round, soft touch, low profile 170 cc implants and a mastopexy. She also had liposuction of upper back, bra rolls, and upper abdomen at the same time. She is shown before and about 6 months after surgery.
- Age: 41 - 55
- Gender: Female
- Implant Size: 200 cc
- Implant Type: llergan silicone, smooth, round, soft touch, low profile

49 year old female had prior breast augmentation but wanted to be larger and more lifted. She also wanted to have a more sculpted abdomen. Dr. Kavali removed her Mentor 375 cc gel implants and replaced them with Allergan silicone, smooth, round, soft touch, full profile 450 cc implants. She used an internal bra (Surgimend) to support the new implants, and did a mastopexy. This lovely lady also had liposuction of her abdomen and back at the same time. She is shown before and about 2 months after surgery.
- Age: 41 - 55
- Gender: Female
- Implant Type: Allergan silicone, smooth, round, soft touch, full profile

62 year old female with several prior breast surgeries before meeting Dr. Kavali. She desired more lifted breasts with more upper pole fullness. Dr. Kavali placed Allergan silicone gel, smooth, round, soft touch, low profile 230 cc implants under the muscle and did a superomedial mastopexy (breast lift) at the same time. She is shown before and 3 years after surgery.
- Age: Over 55
- Gender: Female
- Implant Size: 230 cc
- Implant Type: Allergan silicone gel, smooth, round, soft touch, low profile

35 year old female desired a breast implant exchange to increase her size. Dr. Kavali exchanged her Allergan silicone implants from 375 cc to 580 cc, choosing smooth, round, extra full profile, soft touch implants and keeping them below the muscle. She also had a superomedial mastopexy (breast lift) at the same time. She is shown before and about 1 year after surgery.
- Age: 25 - 40
- Gender: Female
- Implant Size: 580 cc
- Implant Type: Smooth, round, extra full profile, soft touch
- Incision: Below the muscle

48 year old female with prior breast implants she wanted to have exchanged. Dr. Kavali removed Mentor saline implants (375cc) and replaced them with Allergan silicone gel, smooth, round, extra high profile, soft touch, 365 cc implants, keeping them under the muscle. She also did a superomedial pedicle mastopexy (breast lift) at the same time. This patient is shown before and about 6 months after surgery.
- Age: 41 - 55
- Gender: Female
- Implant Size: 365 cc
- Implant Type: llergan silicone gel, smooth, round, extra high profile, soft touch

37 year old female wanted to have her prior breast surgery revised. Dr. Kavali removed her existing Sientra anatomic-shaped implants and replaced them with Allergan silicone gel, smooth, round, soft touch, full profile, 445 cc implants. She also had a mastopexy (breast lift) at the same time. She is shown before and about 6 months after surgery.
- Age: 25 - 40
- Gender: Female
- Implant Size: 445 cc
- Implant Type: Allergan silicone gel, smooth, round, soft touch, full profile

35 year old female had aging saline implants and desired an implant exchange and breast lift. Dr. Kavali removed her existing implants and placed Allergan saline, smooth, round implants, 360 cc and did a mastopexy (breast lift) at the same time. She is shown before and about 6 months after surgery.
- Age: 25 - 40
- Gender: Female
- Implant Size: 360 cc
- Implant Type: Allergan saline, smooth, round implants

52 year old female with several prior breast surgeries came to Dr. Kavali with concerns regarding breast pain and her implants sitting too close together, but falling under her arms when she leaned back. She had a breast implant exchange with removal of her old implants, placement of Allergan silicone gel, smooth, round, moderate profile, 405 cc implants, keeping them under the muscle. She had an internal bra (Surgimend, in this case) placed to support the position of the implants. She is shown before and about 1 year after surgery.
- Age: 41 - 55
- Gender: Female
- Implant Size: 405 cc
- Implant Type: Allergan silicone gel, smooth, round, moderate profile