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Brijjit Incision Care

Brijjit Incision Care

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Brijjit Incision Care


Tension on a healing wound is one of the significant factors driving wound breakdown, excess scar formation, and poor scar appearance. The mechanism linking tension to increased scarring is complicated, but one practical approach to help incisions heal well is alleviating stress on the healing wound. This aids in reducing excess collagen production and shortening the inflammatory phase of wound healing, ultimately leaving you with a better scar appearance.

The Brijjit device is an elegant, simple product designed to relieve tension and provide prolonged support to healing incisions. By engaging tissue on both sides of the incision and shielding it from the forces associated with swelling or movement, Brijjit devices significantly diminish tension, allowing wounds to heal beautifully.

By applying Brijjit for tension relief, you provide your incision with the extended protection it needs to maximize the appearance of the scar after surgery.

We place Brijjits over many of our incisions at the end of surgery. They usually last approximately 2-3 weeks before falling off, as a bandaid would. However, sometimes they detach from the skin earlier and need to be replaced, and other times, we want to continue the treatment for more than three weeks. In these cases, we will send you home with your set of Brijjits, which you can apply by following the instructions below. A video for instructions can also be found by clicking on the following link: Patient FAQs + Resources – BRIJ Medical.


Briijit Easy Installation Instructions

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