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Diamond Glow

Diamond Glow

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Diamond Glow

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Diamond Glow

The Diamond Glow facial is an innovative microdermabrasion treatment designed to improve texture and the overall appearance of your skin. It simultaneously exfoliates, extracts, and infuses a personalized serum to improve skin health, function and appearance. This facial is suitable for all skin types and can be combined with a multitude of other treatments. We recommend monthly treatments for the best results, but we also love to recommend this facial before a big event.

Questions & Answers

How should I prepare for my Diamond Glow treatment? +

The best way to prepare for the Diamond Glow Facial is to refrain from using any retinoids (retinol, retinaldehyde, Retin-A) and avoid any heavy sun exposure at least three days before your treatment.

What is the recovery following a Diamond Glow treatment? +

There is no downtime for the Diamond Glow facial. Your skin will feel immediately hydrated, brighter, more even, with improved texture. It is best to avoid immediate sun exposure and exercise for the first 24 hours after your treatment, but normal activity can resume the following day (with sunscreen).

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