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The aging process is much more complex than wrinkles and sagging skin. We lose volume as we age, which can lead to facial hollowing and decrease is skin elasticity. Sculptra Aesthetic® stimulates your body to produce more collagen, which may fill those facial hollows and helps fight the signs of aging. It works gradually and subtly but results can be dramatic over time.

Questions & Answers

Is Sculptra Safe? +

Sculptra® Aesthetic is made from poly-L-lactic acid, which is a natural compound that is biodegradable. Poly-L-lactic acid has been used in medical products for decades now, and has a great safety record.

What should I expect during my treatment? +

Once you’ve had to your consultation to determine if Sculptra® Aesthetic is the best way to meet your goals, we will set up your treatment plan. Sculptra® works gradually, so we typically do the procedure in stages, with treatments spaced out about 6 weeks apart.

Once we are ready to inject, you will be given some ice to numb the treatment areas. We add lidocaine to our Sculptra® Aesthetic, so the procedure is as comfortable as possible. The product is injected with a tiny needle, so the process is very tolerable.

How should I prepare for my Sculptra treatment? +

Once you’ve had your consultation to ensure you are a good candidate for Sculptra, you can prepare for your treatment by avoiding the consumption of alcohol and using anti-inflammatory medications in the days before treatment as this can increase your risk of bruising.

How long does it take to see the effects of Sculptra, and how long does it last? +

Sculptra® Aesthetic works gradually, with collagen stimulating results complete at 12 weeks. It varies, and it can last up to 2 years.

What is the recovery following a Sculptra treatment? +

You can expect local swelling and bruising the day of treatment, this can last up to a week, but varies from patient to patient. You will need to massage the treatment area(s) for 5 minutes, 5 times per day over the next 5 days. This is to help make sure the product is evenly spread.

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