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eMatrix Sublative Resurfacing laser uses RF (radiofrequency) energy to gently but effectively resurface and rejuvenate skin. The energy from the device stimulates collagen, tightens pores, smooths texture, acne scars and even improves laxity. eMatrix Sublative Resurfacing is safe for all skin types. Optimal results typically require a series of 4-6 treatments, but this varies.

Questions & Answers

How should I prepare for my eMatrix treatment? +

The best way to prepare for an eMatrix treatment is to stop all active ingredient topicals such as Retin-A, acids, and exfoliants and avoid any sun exposure for one week prior to your treatment.

What is the recovery following an eMatrix treatment? +

There is about 3-5 days of downtime following your eMatrix treatment. Your skin will look red and slightly swollen the day of treatment – similar to a sunburn. A mild roughness and grid pattern may persist after treatment for up to 7 days. We ask that you avoid exercise for the first 48 hours after your treatment, but normal activity can resume the following day. We ask that you refrain from any sun exposure and topical active ingredients (Retin-A, acids, and exfoliants) for the week following your procedure. We do recommend a good skincare regimen, which will improve and help maintain your eMatrix results.

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