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Sclerotherapy treatment involves using a micro needle to inject a special kind of fluid, called a sclerosant, into the vein. This fluid causes the vein walls to become non-functional, collapse, and to gradually fade away. Sclerotherapy has been available since the 1930s and effectively treats smaller varicose veins but is not as effective for larger varicose vein removal. The results of the treatment diminish the appearance of spider veins.

Questions & Answers

How should I prepare for my Sclerotherapy treatment? +

The best way to prepare for your Sclerotherapy session is to schedule a consultation with our vein specialist to determine if you are a candidate for Sclerotherapy. If you are a candidate for Sclerotherapy, we ask that you purchase a pair of support stockings to wear after your procedure. You will want to avoid rigorous exercise for 72 hours after your treatment, so plan accordingly.

You may require additional treatments to obtain optimal results. The length of the initial treatment, as well as each additional session will be determined after evaluation. Several treatments may be needed for numerous or larger veins. Due to the nature of vein insufficiency more veins may reappear over time.

What is the recovery following a Sclerotherapy treatment? +

We request that you walk for 30 minutes after the procedure to circulate the solution (you may do this at home), then elevate your legs the rest of the day. Sleep in your bandages and compression then remove them in the morning.

The injected veins may appear pink and inflamed. Often a purplish hue is noted over the top of larger veins. Most of these changes will fade over two or three days, however a brownish stain may appear over larger veins that can take weeks or months to resolve. This stain normally clears completely. Other side effects include a firm or tender area over a larger vein that is a collection of blood slowly being absorbed. This also resolves within several weeks.

We recommend 4-6 weeks between sessions. The number of sessions will depend on how each person responds to treatment. You can apply compression with a stocking or bandage, and walk for 15- 20 minutes. You’ll want to maintain compression for 2 to 3 days after treatment of spider veins and for 5 to 7 days for larger reticular veins. We ask that you avoid strenuous exercise for 2-3 days following the treatment.

The risks of having the procedure include recurrence or incomplete resolution of the veins, a small skin reaction at the injection site, or the rare possibility of a deep blood clot. Signs of a serious problem include a swollen, red, or abnormally warm leg. Walking after the procedure decreases the risk of developing a serious problem.

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