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Brazilian Buttock Lift

Brazilian Buttock Lift

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Brazilian Buttock Lift

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Brazilian Buttock Lift

Lunges and squats may help shape the buttocks, but some people still desire improvement in their contour despite what exercise helps them achieve. Whether there are specific areas that don’t have quite enough volume (like “hip dips”) or you tend to be a little flat overall, a Brazilian Buttock Lift may be able to help.

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A Brazilian Buttock Lift (BBL) is a surgical procedure that augments the appearance of your buttocks by removing fat from other parts of your body and transferring it into the areas you feel are deficient. So, you can lose those love handles, that muffin top, or those saddlebags and gain fullness in your rear. We can use nearly any unwanted fat to create a rounder shape in your buttocks. If you are not happy with your proportions, have fullness in areas you do not like, and flatten in the buttocks, then you might be a good candidate for a Brazilian Buttock Lift (BBL).

It is important to note that, despite its name, a Brazilian Buttock Lift does not “lift” the skin of the buttocks. It adds volume and improves the shape of the buttocks, but it does not improve sagging or excess skin.


You may find that you are uncomfortable in specific clothing or a swimsuit because of the appearance of your buttocks. You may feel frustrated by the limitations of your current diet and exercise program. If you’re not happy with your proportions, and you have fullness in areas you don’t like and flattening in the buttocks, then you might be right for a Brazilian Buttock Lift. The benefits of a Brazilian Buttock Lift are unique to each individual. A Brazilian Buttock Lift can:

  • Create more shapely buttocks.
  • Address “hip dips” or areas of flattening in the buttocks
  • Shape the lower back and waistline to improve the overall contour of the buttocks
  • Create improved balance and body proportions
  • Improve the fit of specific clothing

In addition to deciding whether a Brazilian Buttock Lift can meet your personal goals, several factors must be considered in determining whether you are a good candidate for this procedure. Good candidates for a Brazilian Buttock Lift include those who:

  • Are in good general physical health
  • Have enough excess body fat available in other parts of the body to transfer to the buttocks
  • Are nonsmokers, or are willing to stop smoking before surgery
  • Have realistic expectations for this procedure

While a Brazilian Buttock lift can address various concerns, it has limitations. Knowing these limitations and understanding when you may be a candidate for a different type of surgery is essential. A Brazilian Buttock Lift cannot:

  • Improve sagging or excess skin
  • Eliminate cellulite

Generally, a Brazilian Buttock Lift is an outpatient procedure, meaning you can go home shortly after the surgery. In some cases, though, particularly if you have other procedures done simultaneously, you may need to stay overnight and go home the next day. After your surgery, you will be placed in dressings and a supportive compression garment. You will spend a short time in the recovery room before a friend or family member takes you home, where you should plan to rest for the remainder of the day. Be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and to stay with you for at least the first night. We will advise you on pain medication to ease any discomfort, give you detailed post-operative instructions, and schedule a follow-up appointment to check your progress.


It would help if you planned to take it easy following your surgery. It would help if you were up and walking the day following surgery, although you will be sore for several days.

After a Brazilian Buttock Lift, you will be sore but functional. In the first few weeks following your surgery, you will have strict precautions to avoid pressure on the fat-grafted areas of the buttocks. This may mean sleeping on your side or your stomach. You may also need a specialized pillow to prevent pressure on the fat-grafted areas while sitting. Depending on the areas treated and the extent of treatment, these precautions may last 6 to 8 weeks after surgery.

You should be able to resume your normal daily activities within one to two weeks following surgery. As we monitor your recovery, we will advise you when it is safe to resume specific activities. Depending on the particular needs of your procedure, you should be able to resume all of your physical activities within six to eight weeks of surgery. It would help if you planned to wear the abdominal compression garment for about six weeks following surgery.

You can drive when you are no longer taking narcotics for pain and you feel like you can react appropriately in traffic. Most people can drive sometime near the end of the first week after surgery.

Every patient’s recovery is different. Your recovery may be quicker or take more time than average.

What if I Want to Have a Child in the Future?

If you think that you may want to become pregnant in the future, you should mention this to your surgeon. Pregnancy can change body size and shape in an unpredictable way and could affect the long-term results of your surgery.

Should I Lose Weight First?

If you are planning to lose a significant amount of weight, be sure to tell your surgeon. She may recommend that you stabilize your weight prior to undergoing surgery.

Can I Have Other Procedures Done at the Same Time as a Brazilian Buttock Lift?

It’s very common to combine body contouring procedures into one operative session and one recovery. By definition, the Brazilian Buttock Lift is a combined procedure since it includes liposuction of various body areas. Many women also have a tummy tuck or breast lift at the same time as the Brazilian Buttock Lift. There are many options possible. We encourage you to talk to us about your concerns, and we will help you put together a plan that’s safe for you.

What if I also Have Cellulite?

It’s not uncommon for concerns of the buttock shape to also include issues related to cellulite. While a Brazilian buttock lift will not address cellulite, it can be combined with a treatment called Aveli, which is specifically designed to target those pesky cellulite areas of the buttocks and upper thighs.

Do I Need Implants for a Brazilian Buttock Lift?

Dr. Kavali and Dr. Moak do not offer buttock implants, which have a much higher complication rate than fat grafting procedures.


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