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Healthy lifestyle habits, including diet and exercise, are paramount in helping you look and feel your best. However, despite our best efforts, sometimes our bodies have stubborn areas of fat! If you are frustrated by localized areas of fat that don’t seem to respond to your fitness habits, liposuction may be right for you.

Questions & Answers


Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess subcutaneous fat from specific body areas. The procedure can remove fat in almost any “problem area” that won’t go away with diet or exercise. Liposuction techniques may be used to reduce localized fat deposits of the:

  • Abdomen and waist
  • Back and bra line
  • Calves and ankles
  • Chest area
  • Face, cheeks, chin, and neck
  • Hips and buttocks
  • Inner knees
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • “Love handles”
  • Upper arms

The ideal candidate for liposuction is someone close to their ideal body weight who has isolated “problem areas” that will not go away with normal dieting or exercise.


While liposuction can address a variety of concerns, it does have limitations. Knowing these limitations and understanding when you may be a candidate for a different type of surgery is essential. Liposuction cannot:

  • Treat obesity or serve as a substitute for proper diet and exercise
  • Treat loose skin or cellulite
  • Tighten abdominal muscles

Liposuction can be performed in the office or as an outpatient procedure performed with general anesthesia in an operating room, depending on the specifics of your procedure. After your surgery, you will be placed in dressings and a compression garment. If performed in the operating room, you will spend a short time in the recovery room after your procedure before a friend or family member takes you home, where you should plan to rest for the remainder of the day. Be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and to stay with you for at least the first night. We will advise you on pain medication to ease any discomfort, give you detailed post-operative instructions, and schedule a follow-up appointment to check your progress.


It is essential to realize that the time it takes for recovery varies greatly from person to person. It is expected to experience some pain and swelling in the first few days after surgery. You may also have bruising in the treated areas. The swelling usually subsides a week after surgery, while bruising can last three weeks or longer. Lymphatic massage is beneficial after liposuction, and we will refer you to a trusted therapist for this treatment once you are ready for it, usually in the second week after surgery. The lymphatic massage helps to reduce swelling, stiffness, and deep scar tissue.

You will be sore but functional. You must get up and move around shortly after your surgery, as this will help prevent blood clots in the legs. Depending on your type of work, you can usually turn to work with days to a week. Initially, you will have some activity restrictions, but most people can return to total activity by 3-4 weeks after surgery.

You may notice less sensation in the treated areas. This is usually temporary. However, it may take weeks, months, or even more than a year before the sensation returns to normal.

Final results are usually seen at six months to a year after surgery.

Every patient’s recovery is different. Your recovery may be quicker or take more time than average.

Can I Have Other Procedures Done at the Same Time?

Absolutely. Many people combine breast surgery with liposuction, or abdominoplasty with liposuction, for instance. Just talk to us about any of your concerns, and we will help you design a plan to meet your goals safely.

Am I Too Young or Too Old for Liposuction?

It is possible to undergo liposuction at almost any age, but you will have the best results if your skin still has enough elasticity to achieve a smooth contour after the procedure. When skin has lost its elasticity (from aging or from pregnancy), it may not reshape well, and a skin tightening procedure may be necessary.

Should I Lose Weight Before Liposuction?

Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. You will have the best results when you are as close to your ideal body weight as possible. If you have a significant amount of weight to lose, you would likely do better to lose that weight first, then consider liposuction for contouring any problem areas that persist. In some cases, liposuction is used to “deflate” a body area prior to weight loss. If you’re not sure whether liposuction is right for you, please schedule a consultation so that we can make specific recommendations suited to your exact needs.

Is it True that There is a Limit to the Amount of Liposuction that Can Be Done at One Time?

Yes. In general, we follow the safety guidelines of the ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgeons). ASPS Guidelines limit liposuction to no more than 5 liters at one time. If we think that we will reach that 5-liter limit for you, we will ask you to prioritize your desired treatment areas.

If I Gain Weight After Liposuction, Will it Go to Other Areas of My Body?

We are often asked this question. Here’s the truth: if you gain weight after liposuction, your body will act the same as it does anytime you gain weight. All the fat cells in your body will enlarge with the weight gain. However, there are now fewer fat cells in the areas you had liposuction, so you’ll see the results of your weight gain in other areas first. If you continue to gain weight, you will eventually see enlargement in the liposuction areas as well. Your best bet is to stay motivated to maintain the results of your liposuction!

Will I Have Loose Skin After Liposuction?

If you are no longer in your 20s, you’ve had prior pregnancy, or you’ve had a lot of weight loss, your skin won’t have great elasticity. We will certainly talk to you about what we think you can expect from liposuction, and we will make appropriate recommendations. In most cases, there won’t be loose, hanging skin after liposuction, but there will likely be ‘pinch-able’ loose skin. If truly tight skin is what you’re seeking, then we will talk to you about surgical and non-surgical skin tightening options.

Does Liposuction Treat Cellulite?

No. In many cases, cellulite will remain the same following liposuction. In other cases, the appearance of cellulite may be worse after liposuction. We offer VelaShape and Aveli cellulite treatments in our office. Both of these procedures can be combined with liposuction for ideal results. Ask about our special package pricing for these procedures.

How Long Will My Results Last?

The fat removal from liposuction will be long lasting if you maintain a stable weight and overall fitness. However, the fat cells that are left behind have an infinite ability to expand, so if you gain a significant amount of weight after liposuction, you may no longer see the results of your surgery. Also, skin quality changes with age, so your results may look different as you age (skin may become looser).

How is Liposuction Performed?

Prior to performing liposuction, fluid is instilled into the areas to be suctioned. We use a tumescent technique that introduces large amounts of fluid into the tissues before the procedure begins. This fluid helps with postoperative pain and helps to control bleeding during the surgery. Fat is removed by first inserting a small, hollow tube, called a cannula, through one or more tiny incisions near the area to be suctioned. Incisions are usually less than one-quarter inch in length and are placed as inconspicuously as possible, often within skin folds or contour lines. We use the Microaire Power-Assisted Liposuction. The MicroAire PAL® uses a 2-mm reciprocating movement at 4000 cycles per minute to facilitate the procedure. This means that less force is required, especially in areas with more dense fibrous tissue. The PAL® is not ultrasonic. No heat is generated by the instrument or cannula, so burning isn’t a concern, as it is with ultrasonic liposuction.

Will My Liposuction Be Done in the Office or in a Surgery Center?

If you have a need for specific small areas of contouring, you may choose to have your liposuction done in our office procedure room under local anesthesia. You will be given some medication to relax you during the procedure, and you will be numbed for the procedure. You will need someone to drive you home. If you have need for more significant contouring, or if you are combining liposuction with other procedures, your surgery will be done at a fully accredited surgery center. A Board-Certified Anesthesiologist (MD) will keep you safe and comfortable during the procedure. You may choose to be completely asleep for your procedure, or you might choose only sedation (“twilight” anesthesia). Many doctors are offering liposuction these days, even if they haven’t been formally trained in plastic surgery. In fact, some aren’t even surgeons at all! These non-plastic surgeons aren’t allowed to perform liposuction in a hospital, because the hospitals recognize that there hasn’t been specific formal training done. The benefit of seeing us is that Dr. Moak and Dr. Kavali are fully trained Plastic Surgeons and have the freedom to do your liposuction at a hospital facility if that is the best option for you.


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