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Neck Lift

Neck Lift

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Neck Lift

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Neck Lift

Excess skin or fat pockets around the neck can create a heavy appearance for some people. Some of us have this appearance innately and may have other family members with similar attributes. Often, though, these changes appear gradually. They can result in a heavier or unflattering appearance in person and in photos. For many of us, there comes a time when the reflection in the mirror isn’t the same as how you feel on the inside. A necklift can help restore a more youthful, defined appearance to the jaw and neck, leaving you feeling confident and refreshed.

While a necklift can be performed separately in certain patients, a necklift is often combined with a facelift. A necklift addresses loose skin, prominent muscles (“turkey neck”), and extra fat in the neck and jawline. For more information on combined facelift/ necklift, please visit our facelift information page.

Questions & Answers


A necklift is a surgical procedure used to lift and remove sagging skin on the neck, resulting in a more youthful, natural-looking rejuvenation. Our plastic surgeons perform this procedure through discreet incisions below the chin and near the earlobes, addressing fat below the chin, bulky musculature, and large glands. The redraping of the neck skin leaves you with a more contoured jawline and a youthful-appearing neck.


The benefits of a necklift are unique to each individual. A necklift can:

  • Improve skin contour of the neck
  • Contour the jawline
  • Tighten neck skin
  • Boost self-confidence
  • Deliver a rejuvenated overall appearance to the face

In addition to deciding whether a necklift can meet your personal goals, several factors must be considered in determining whether you are a good candidate for a necklift lift. Good candidates for a necklift include those who:

  • Have loss of a well-defined jawline
  • Have loose, minimal to moderate skin in the neck
  • Have bulk in the neck secondary to muscles or large submandibular glands
  • You are a nonsmoker, or you are willing to stop smoking before your necklift

While a necklift can address various concerns, it has limitations. Knowing these limitations and understanding when you may be a candidate for a different type of surgery is essential. A necklift cannot:

  • Eliminate all fine lines and wrinkles on the neck
  • Change the texture of the skin on the neck
  • Stop the aging process from continuing to occur
  • Tighten advanced looseness of the skin in the neck
  • Be used alone to treat loose skin of the neck in someone who also has loose skin of the lower face (jowls)

Necklift surgery is a highly individualized process. Many techniques are used in plastic surgery today, each with its own unique set of benefits. No single technique is appropriate for all patients.

Standard techniques of necklift today include the following:


  • Subcutaneous fat reduction
  • Deep neck fat reduction
  • Platysma muscle division or plication
  • Digastric muscle reshaping
  • Submandibular gland debulking

Incision Location

  • In the crease below the chin
  • Just behind the earlobes of the ears

Necklift is an outpatient procedure performed with general anesthesia in an operating room. After your surgery, you will be placed in dressings and a head wrap. You will spend a short time in the recovery room before a friend or family member takes you home, where you should plan to rest for the remainder of the day. Be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and to stay with you for at least the first night. We will advise you on pain medication to ease any discomfort, give you detailed post-operative instructions, and schedule a follow-up appointment to check your progress.


It is expected to experience some pain and swelling in the first few days after surgery. You may feel discomfort, bruising, and swelling during the first week following surgery. Depending on the extent of the surgery, it may take a couple of weeks for the bruising and swelling to subside. Incisions usually heal between 2 and 3 weeks after surgery. Depending on your type of work, you can generally return to work in a week to two weeks. Initially, you will have some activity restrictions, but most people can return to total activity six weeks after surgery.

You may notice that you feel less sensation in the neck. This is usually temporary. It may, however, take weeks, months, or even more than a year before the sensation returns to normal. Your neck may also require some time to assume a more natural shape. Incisions will initially be red or pink. They should fade and soften over time (up to 18 months after surgery). Final results usually start to be noticed at four weeks after surgery and are fully seen at six months to a year after surgery.

Your necklift recovery rate can be influenced by age, health, and the procedure performed. Lifestyle choices like smoking, excessive sun exposure, increased alcohol intake, and stress can also impact the pace of recovery and the quality of results.

Every patient’s recovery is different. Your recovery may be quicker or take more time than average.

What Other Procedures Are Sometimes Combined with a Necklift?

Sagging skin in the lower face will not be addressed by a necklift. A facelift can be combined with this procedure to give you optimal rejuvenation effect.

Sagging eyebrows are not addressed by a facelift or necklift, so you might consider a forehead lift (browlift) if sagging eyebrows are a concern.

Signs of aging in the upper and lower eyelids can be addressed with eyelid contouring surgery (blepharoplasty).

Skin quality is best addressed with a comprehensive skin care regimen, which can accentuate your facelift and necklift results.

A facelift or necklift does not restore lost volume to the face, meaning some lines and hollows won’t be addressed with these surgical procedures. Often, it makes sense to use fat grafting to the face or fillers to optimize your results.

A facelift or necklift can also be combined with body contouring procedures, like liposuction or breast lift.


Please visit our My Consult page to learn more about what happens during your consult.


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